Different beverages, too, are made from the cereals, zythum in Egypt, cælia and cerea in Spain, cervesia[1] and numerous liquors in Gaul and other provinces. The yeast[2] of all of these is used by women as a cosmetic for the face.—But as we are now speaking of beverages, it will be the best plan to pass on to the various uses of wine, and to make a beginning with the vine of our account of the medicinal properties of the trees.
Summary.—Remedies, narratives, and observations, nine hundred and six.
Authors quoted.—All those mentioned in the preceding
Book: and, in addition to them, Chrysermus,[3] Eratosthenes,[4]
and Alcæus.[5]
1. zeitham. that zythum was an Egyptian beverage made of barley, wild
saffron, and salt, in equal parts. In the Mishna, the Jews are enjoined
not to use it during the Passover.